Sustainable modes of transport include walking, cycling, public transport, carpooling, carsharing and economical driving with a low-emission car.
There are more than 400,000 residents in the Tampere region. 68% of them live in so-called sustainable mobility zones, i.e. in the region’s city centres or in the public transport zone.

Approximately a million journeys are made in the region every day. 55% of them are made by car, 9% by public transport and 7% by bicycle. Bicycle has been shown to be the fastest mode of transport in cities. However, it is chosen less frequently when the length of the journey exceeds one kilometre.
Did you know that:
- Children, adolescents and young adults walk and cycle more than others. The popularity of cycling among men aged under 35, in particular, is at a level that is desirable in other age groups as well.
- In the Oulu region, the share of journeys made by bicycle of all journeys is 16%, whereas in the Tampere region, the share of journeys cycled is 7%.
- Park-and-ride parking at the stations in the Tampere region is free of charge for the duration of the workday.